
droxine's avatar'

speaks: Spanish

learns: French, English, Japanese, German, Korean, Russian

droxine's avatar'

Currently learning French with LingQ and Assimil/Short Stories from Olly Richards. In parallel, I'm learning Korean with htsk and ttmik, also joined a book club challenge with a one page for day (365 in total). For German, I watched some tv shows and completed the Duolingo tree. For Japanese, I learned Hiragana/Katakana, some Kanjis and did some basic reading, but paused it.

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My siblings

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Pratiquer ma routine quotidienne

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French False Dialogue

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Welcome Message - SwiftUI Beta Application

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SwiftUI Beta Academy Application

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Bonjour à tout

Bonjour, coucou à tout, mon français c'est pas bon en ce moment, mais je sais que serà meillour chaque jour. J'apprende le français avec LingQ et Assimil. Parfois, je lis le livre Short Stories de Olly Richards, mais je
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