Which should the best way to language learning?

Which should the best way to language learning?


language learning
language exchanges

Hello Again !!

This is my second post. I wish to keep the frequency of writing posts, although I conscientious about the next week I will back to work and I would have less time to practice and share it here.

After reading some posts on the platform, I thought to write about the different ways to practice/learning a language. In the last months, I have wasted many hours seeking the best way to improve my English speaking, I subscribed to some Youtube channels, I listened to some podcast and I subscribed to an app to improve my pronunciation; although I reckon that these things help me in my development, also I think that I suffer paralysis by analysis. I have collected many information, many ideas, but also I know that it isn't possible to do all recommendations or suggestions. Then, What is the best way to improve? How should plan to have the best results?

Thinking about this, I believe I need to do changes in my thinking way, for example, I would like to be less hard with myself, I should enjoy this journey despite that I don't speak perfectly, I don't understand all audios or my reading speed isn't fast. In another hand, I would try to grow my relationships with other people with language learning interests, without thinking that I will make mistakes. It is a huge challenge for me, and I will try to share my progress with you.

If someone likes to tell me its recommendations to improve language learning, I will be deeply grateful.

See you!