The first duet with my mother

The first duet with my mother


language learning

I played the first duet with my mother the other day.

I've been learning violin for about half a year.

From the beginning, we expect to play a duet because she's a pianist.

She appeared to look forward to playing duets together, and so do I.

Nevertheless we hadn't played any duets until then.

What triggered was her wanting to get a score.

She wanted it so bad, but she couldn't find any in neither at the stores near here nor online.

But I found it because I could search in English ( she looked up in Japanese).

It was really amazing that I could play a duet with my mother not only because one dream finally came true, but also my English learning journey made it possible, even though my performance sucks haha.

That’s exactly unexpected turn of events.

The meanings of our actions remain unknown until we look back on them.

We are incomplete until our ends as Martin Heidegger said.

Thank you for reading through!

Recently, I didn't write posts, but I'm going to start writing posts again.

I hope to see you on the next post. Bye.