Fluent in 3 months: DAY ONE

Fluent in 3 months: DAY ONE


language learning

"Fluent in 3 Months: How Anyone at Any Age Can Learn to Speak Any Language from Anywhere in the World"

by Benny Lewis

Fluent in 3 months sound too good to be true but I though it might be fun to read it and how it goes. Surely there will be a few ideas and tips to help me learn a language. If not it’s a really bad book. I am well aware that I will not be fluent in Japanese in 3 months. Oh yeah I decided to go with Japanese since the other candidates are languages I do have some knowledge of, I wanted to be as much of a beginner as I can.

HOMEWORK: Listen to a lot of Japanese. I found a Harry Potter audiobook, a book I know very well so I will listen to it. I wish I had the text as well so I could “read along”, I did this in Spanish and I really liked it.

Make a list of a few Japanese movies to watch and rewatch. More Kurosawa and some Rurôni Kenshin. Japanese movies already seen

おやすみ Good night