no race to the top

no race to the top


language learning

Since writing my post yesterday about the footprints on the beach I think I am going to write something regarding my own methods on a more regular basis. Hopefully it may inspire, help, etc.

Well, yes, I did say I was going to do that last week, but I will include my personal path, direction whatever you wish to call it, and I will include some snippets of my languages ( only when I'm inspired and confident enough ! )

We are all different, we learn at different speeds, we have commitments , lives to lead, and all that everyday stuff.

I found my secondary modern school upsetting. Every day for the four years I was there it was a nightmare . I can stand exams, tests, if you're having a bad day there's a good chance you will fail, so what do you gain from that ?...disappointment in the system, and at that age it can have profound effects, it did on me ! I am a slow learner , but since leaving that place I have taught myself many things and now in my retired years I can learn at my own pace, not theirs.

As I said last week, I don't accept the Intermediate plateau, it doesn't exist for me, that's for people in a hurry to learn, I will tunnel underneath it !

Have a great week with your languages, more soon.