Training the ability to Focus

Training the ability to Focus



Today I listened to a podcast on Sam Harris's channel. The podcast was about distractions and how to improve the ability to focus on one thing at a time.

The thing is: You need to train your mind to focus, I mean REALLY focus, on one single thing for a short period of time. And do it every single day because, like always, consistency is the key.

Everything we do literally changes our brains. each decision, each action, we are in constant development. So, if you focus while doing good actions and you do it consistently, you will LEVEL UP for sure!

But that is just so f*cking HARD.

That is why you need to do it shortly and easily (in the beginning). Focus on doing it every single day.

It is so hard to keep going... but you need to! Otherwise, you will keep being the same, the same ordinary person you are right now.

I know you're tired. Everyone is.

Show to this reality who is madder.