The Free Will We Got

The Free Will We Got



[ this if for those who limit themselves with beliefs about "bigger plans" that someone can have for them ]

Many people, especially the christian ones talk a lot about free will, according to them, the free will is the ability to choose between following God or not, choosing between the darkness and the light. But, most of them misunderstand the real meaning of free will.

On the last Friday I went to take my renewed SSN (social security number) because I have just turned eighteen years-old, And when I was going to the bus stop to go back home, A person stopped me, And said: "I'm sorry for stopping you in the middle of such a rushy day, But wouldn't you like to know about our free courses? You just need to bring 1 kilo of any kind of food" And well, He was offering some interesting courses for free, So I said "ok, why not?" Then he took me to the second floor of the shopping mall, Where there was the company he works for, They received me really well, Offered me the several options I had and so on. But while I was waiting as one of the employees talked to me about them I heard something that I couldn't disagree more.

She and I were talking about my hobbies and plans, and I explained to her that I love writing and I want to publish a book someday, Not to be a professional writer, Because that's not what I want, But because I want to write my story in the future, Have a (biography?). (is it fair?) But she said "Wow, that's so interesting, well, Let's see if that's going to happen, We know that not everything happens in our way, Not everything work out the way we plan, Right?"

And I knew that in this point, She was talking about God, She wanted to say that not everything works out because, Supposedly, It's not what God wants for us, In the moment, I just stood quiet and thinking about it, But I already knew, I couldn't disagree more. I used to believe in it, until someone has told me "I see that you have the tools to accomplish whatever you want, But you have a paradigm that limits you, It makes your faith in yourself limited" I knew this person were talking about this same paradigm that I used to keep to myself, Where I thought "Is it what God wants me to do?", or "Nowadays, I'm not a Christian anymore, What if he just lets me accomplish my dreams if I become one again?" I knew I needed to break it.

A paradigm like this needs to be broken from the inside, You can't convince a religious person in this aspect if you don't give them a point that justifies what you mean inside of their beliefs, You need to prove it wrong with itself, Do you know what I mean? And That's what I did.

Two days ago, My mom and my brother were watching an old movie called "Bruce almighty" (O todo poderoso, In portuguese) And the actor that was doing a role of God said two of the two rules that he can't ever break, One of them goes like this: "You can't ever interfere the free will of a human being" And this is actually what the own God has said in reality, he let us have something called free will, with good and bad consequences, but here is the REAL meaning of this free will:

The free will is the ability of choosing between being a successful person or not, being good or bad, publishing that book or not, being kind or not, learning how to play an instrument or not, learning how to be the best player or not, becoming who you want to be or not, without being interfered by someone or something, summarizing, Free Will is the ability of being free to becoming, doing, getting what you want without being stopped by someone.

Free Will isn't just about being Christian or not, Muslim or not, Nihilistic or not, It's about accomplishing what you want without being stopped by God or a bigger force because "that's not for you" that my friends, is free will.

While it's true that not everybody can get a huge amount of money from writing, EVERYBODY can write and publish a book, it's true that not everybody can be the most famous traveler, but EVERYBODY can travel, not everybody can be the most successful engineer in terms of money, but EVERYBODY can be a successful engineer in terms of skills, abilities, and so on.

That is free will. So, Do not be afraid of failing, don't ever think if something is for you or not, if you truly love it, it is for you, and nothing has the right to stop you, but yourself.

The Question is, do you want it or not?