dream time

dream time



A thought for a Sunday:

Imagine: You are walking along a beach. It is deserted. But then you come across some footprints that somebody created yesterday. They had no beginning , they just suddenly appeared. The sea hadn't swallowed them up. So you walk alongside those footprints. You are curious. You can see that they go a long way into the distance, so you decide to follow them. The beach is unending , it stretches further than you can see. Now, imagine that those footprints are your guide on your language path. You don't know where they will end , but by following them you are continuing on your personal path. Those footprints will guide you somewhere, they will accompany you , they will feed your curiosity.

You don't know if they will end, it's an adventure. A very slow marathon. Take your time, enjoy the breeze on your face, smell the sea. Absorb all you can from this moment. This is YOUR moment , YOUR path.