Updates | Exploring the Dream World #2

Updates | Exploring the Dream World #2


video games

Things have changed

After a lot of thinking, I've decided I no longer will try to play on a PS4 but a PS2. Why? Because I freaking love the PlayStation 2, and it was the only PlayStation I've ever had. I used to play hours and hours on that.

I think it will be easier for me to play on a PS2 rather than the PS4. But once I had finished the PlayStation 2 experience, I'll try again with the PlayStation 4, I swear!

The game I will play

The decision is pretty easy: Resident Evil 4.

Jeez, I really love the game.

When I first played, hidden from my cousin (the game was his), I was so scared but couldn't stop playing cause of how good the game was.

So yeah, Resident Evil 4.

Now, I can begin the experience...