Fundamental Habits

Fundamental Habits


daily life

This post is going to be short because I have no time but I will give more explanation later. I want to discuss that many people try to make their life order and decide to achieve something like taking a high score from an exam without changing their basic habits. Basic habits or fundamental habits are sleeping, eating and exercise habits for me. Whatever you do, pay attention to these. These unlock your full potential and the rest is about your working methods.

There are some people on the planet who don't care about these at all and I know some of them closely but working for something or achieving something is not their issue either. They usually found their path and keep moving in that path. Rest of us thinking about being better should care these basic habits first before optimizing working methods. You don't have to do much, just devote a specific time for these habits first. For instance, I am going to sleep at 11:00-11:30 pm and I am going to walk at 6:00-7:00 pm and eat at those three or two time in the day. When you standardize basically these habits, you will take control of your habits. Then, you can optimize them like eating more health foods or going to gym. Of course you may need to optimize while standardizing your habits. For example, you look at the screen before going to sleep and this doesn't allow you to sleep at all.

There can be some details and more correct strategies but don't forget that you should handle these habits to use your full potential. See you in the next post.