Want to be an Au Pair in the US

Want to be an Au Pair in the US


language exchanges
international relations

From my point of view being an Au Pair is a great opportunity to live in another country, share your culture and learn about a new one. You are going to live with a family in that country. You are going to travel across the country in your free time. Also one of the most important things in my case is that you can practice the language you're learning.

These days I'm finishing my degree in Electronic Engineering. I want to finish my thesis as soon as possible to complete this step of my life. But as always many questions come to mind. I can resume those questions in only one "what am I going to do after my graduation?". I was applying for some jobs here in my country and I have coudn't find a good option to start to work. The most of work offers you have to have many years of experience or you have to work many hours with a poor salary. Anyway I start thinking about living in another country, learning other languages and having new experiences. Also I want to prepare for taking the TOEFL and after that the GRE to study a master's degree abroad.

I have learned some things during this process. For example, How difficult is to find a right family?. Well I met a girl who is an Au Pair of one of the families which I was connected. She gave me many pieces of advice to find my family:

  • First, It's important to have in mind what your goals are (I think preparing myself for two tests, travel and the cultural exchange).
  • Second, You have to take time to meet every family so well (I'm trying to be very honest with families and I try to ask them questions which allow me to know if I'm gonna have a good schedule for my study time or to make trips).
  • Third, She said that it's important to live close to or in a big city to find things to do and meet people (I would like to enjoy meetings groups of people with common interets to have friends from the US and practice English).

I hope to find a good family what I feel so comfortable with. It's an important decision in this process and I'm gonna take my time to talk with families and their currency Au Pairs.