Now or never ?

Now or never ?



Well, it's now or never. 24th of JUNE 2021. My Spanish I feel needs a push uphill from B something, I'm going to give it a heavy push. .

My Italian is getting better, I feel my vocab is improving but I'm definitely lacking in the speaking department. I must remedy that now.

My Portuguese, well, I'm stacking the occasional bit's n' bobs. I still have a strong motivation to learn it because we holiday in Madeira often, and of course I love the sound of it ( as I love the sound of all my chosen target languages ).

And now I have finally taken out my Icelandic course book from it's hiding place. There is no hurry for this, of course I want to learn it ! but I am in no panic. I am going to spend at least 15 minutes per day, probably for two months ( at least ) to get the pronunciation right before I launch myself .

That's it, I've committed myself publicly ( again ) , the last time I wrote this somewhere it just didn't happen !