2 minutes rule

2 minutes rule


daily life

If you read the book "Atomic Habits", you should have known the concept. The idea behind this strategy is basically that you should establish a habit before you optimize it. We always think about what we need to do for accomplishing a goal or reaching our dreams. You may need 3 hours of study to get better notes, 2 hours of walking to get in shape etc. but if you don't study everyday or walk everyday even for 2 minutes, how could you optimize it? You have no material in your hands to shape it. So, for creating a system to take your desired outcome, you should first have the material. You have to have a rutin to optimize it.

Two minutes rule is for who doesn't have a rutin and struggles to have. Let's say you want to walk everyday to get in shape, you shouldn't be aiming for getting shape like "I want to walk for 6km each day because I need to burn x calories." Instead, you should become a walker. That means you should be the person walks everday. The suggestion of the author is doing something takes your time less than 2 minutes. For example, you should just wear your shoes to become that kind of person who does something about walking everyday. This sounds a little bit ridicilous but it is effective. If you think that the purpose is when you wear your shoes, you will be motivated to walk anyway, it is not the case. It is about becoming a walker as I said.

An example from the book is a man who lost 100 pounds and never gain it back. The man had a problem with going to the gym and after reading this strategy, he decided to go to the gym and stayed for 5 minutes, not longer, and left. He did this for six weeks and eventually he became a person who goes to the gym four days a week. He changed his identity and reached his goal.(I am going to talk about identity and goals in more detail later.)

I will do this for studying Latin. I study Latin at least 5 days in a week but I want it to be everyday. Therefore, my purpose will be studying Latin two minutes for everyday and the rest will be bonus. I suggest you to read the book and do this for establishing strong habits. See you next post!