Exploring the Dream World #1

Exploring the Dream World #1


video games

Hi there, my name is Miquéias, and I'm an oneironaut, which means I'm pioneering the endless possibilities of lucid dreaming. So I was thinking: why not register my progress and discoveries right here, on Journaly.com?

Yes, that may be good! Not only for my progress in lucid dreaming but to improve my English writing skills as well! It's decided, from now on, I'll keep track of my experience in the dream world. It starts here, my very first saga: Exploring the Dream World.

I hope this can help some other oneironauts out there, and also people who somehow still don't know lucid dreams exist.

My first experiment will be the following:

I want to know if it is possible, within a lucid dream, to play on a console.

For personal reasons, I will start with the Playstation 4. But I'm not sure yet about what game I want to play.

Although I already know it can be done in an ordinary dream (I've been playing on PS4 in a couple of dreams) I never did it while lucid.

So I hope we can get far with that.

Well, that is it for now...

I'll come back with new updates!