How to figure out your life

How to figure out your life


daily life

Hey guys! What's up?

I hope everyone is having a fantastic and exciting day!

Well, I came here today to talk about something that has been keeping me up at night recently - How to figure out what to do with my life.

I know that everyone goes through this phase, maybe more than once, and I also know that it's a quite complex and ambiguous topic, but I'd like to share with you what I'm feeling right now and to know what are your thoughts on this matter.

I guess my biggest wondering today is whether I should turn my passions into my career or work on something that I am good at and find interesting, but I'm not necessarily passionate about.

Just to give some context, I'm currently working at a great software development company as a project manager and I do like doing what I do there. I also feel that I am constantly improving and being challenged, which I think it's awesome, but I'd never say that I'm passionate about project management.

Another piece of information about me that I find important to know is that I kind of like the spotlight, and I'm definitely super aware that this is sort of looked down upon or at least frowned upon but, I don't really care that much. I guess we have to care more about being honest with ourselves than about how people perceive us.

When I acknowledged my "needs" to expose myself I finally understood why I love so much teaching and sharing publicly my ideas and knowledge. I know that it's not possible to pick your passion out of a hat, but I guess a good first step is understanding what you like doing and particularly the reason why.

Although I have been active in my passions for the last couple of years, I've always faced them as side projects that I never put that much effort into, even though I've gotten a lot of satisfaction out of them.

I've been meaning to start trying harder to make a living from teaching and creating content for a while and I genuinely believe that I'd be willing to find out if I have what it takes to become a good content creator in the educational field, but I guess I have one last thing to do before finally start doing it - overcome my fear of falling.

First of all, sorry for the rant, haha but I had to get this off my chest somehow, and I genuinely would love to hear how do you guys feel about this. I suppose I'm not the only one trying to figure out what to do with my life, am I?

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I kind of got carried away.

Kind regards,

Fred Magno.