What's next?

What's next?


language learning
language exchanges

Hey all,

It's been a while since my last post. I have to say that I miss writing here, but I didn't have any interesting topics to talk about. Honestly, I still don't have it, but here I am anyway.

Like almost everybody, over the last few days, I've been thinking about my 2021 resolutions. Looking back, I can totally see that I've improved my English by leaps and bounds. That's fantastic! Believe you or not, I was on the B1 level at the beginning of this year, now I see myself on the C1 level. I exposed myself to the language so much during this year. I read books, watched TV Series, YouTube videos, and more than that, I built strong relationships with natives English speakers. Can you imagine how wonderful it is? To connect with people on a deep level in a different language. That's amazing.

I've been using the language as a tool - in other words, I've been learning through a language learned. I can't describe how satisfying it is. Awesome, but what's next?

There's still room for improvement, for sure, there is. However, now as an advanced student, it's even harder to identify my gaps and fill them out. I don't have a concise plan yet. However, I've been thinking about taking a certification test, like IELTS or Cambridge Exams. It might be a great strategy to keep myself motivated and have a structured plan, whereas I'm filling out my gaps. But still, it's an expensive and stressful test. Anyway, let's see. What about you all? What are your language plans for 2021?

Thanks for being here and, Happy New Year to you all!