New Zealanders Flag

New Zealanders Flag



Hi, Everyone!

I researched a little about New Zealand and how it was the choice for a new flag in 2016. To be honest, I don’t know much about New Zealand, but it was useful for me writing practice

There were two referendums about changing the New Zealand Flag. The first event occurred between November and December/2015 and another in March/2016.

The first one is to choose a flag to concurrence a current flag and in March/2016 There was an election to choose the new flag or keep an old flag.

The objective is to choose a new flag and in other words I guess the people would change because the New Zealand flag is equal to Australia.

The choice is difficult because a lot of things could change, including marketing, world communication, school learning, among others.

In the final election, the people chose to keep the old flag with a 56.73%

For me, it’s an important issue, because it shows me the importance of population participation in this election.