When you meet wonderful people

When you meet wonderful people


Some weeks ago I meet a really amazing guy. I think these "kind of people" are so energetic, enthusiatic, passionate, respectful and very kind. I really believe that they have a wonderful energy and you can feel that. So I just found a good paragraph which discribe my feelings and thoughts about these kind of people (it was in Spanish):

There are beings who are magic.

They are what they show and they don't eat of appearances. They don't speculate.

They ask, talk and give.

They are beings that you can see to their eyes and observe the reflection of their soul with a powerful brightness.

There are people that you truly can trust with your life.

There are people who don't have interest in hurting, fucking other's lifes, reproaching or controlling.

There are beings who are blessings in the way still.

And you just can be grateful for crossing with them in that instant, maybe when your soul more required and for the enough time to learn. But the magic is in knowing to love, care for and value those who really contribute good things to our world.

I don't want to seem crazy so I'm gonna send him this paragraph in the future. :)

Do you know people who are like this?