


daily life

She turned off the laptop and her reflect on the screen gazed at her doubtful and overwhelmed. She didn't wanted to be there, not a single minute more, but she satyed. One day more, one year more. Where to go? The prison wasn't a place but a life, a particular state of mind. Truth was that she didn't wanted to live with herself anymore.

She waited for the bad humor to dissapear on the air with the breezze from the window, regain peace as the clock moved trough the afternoon. She knew that game very well and had master the art of forgetting the uncomfortable and avoiding the painful.

It wasn't that she hated her reality, in fact she was proud of her self. It was more like comming back from shopping and trying again the new clothes you were promise to fit perfectly, to put on what every one wanted that season just to realize it wasn't that big of a deal after all. Happiness wasn't that big of a deal.

She turn around on the chair to have a whole view of her well orginiced apartment, to the beautiful furnichure, the deligtful decoration. It was her's but it wasn't. Where to go? A master? At least it was more desirable than motherhood.

She faced the cealing thinking of the layers of concrete that separeted her from the sky. Yeah, she was far from heaven. Five floors away from the terrenal paradise and a thousand from the spiritual one. Could it be to late to fake a God?

"I'm just hungry" she told herself as anyone else do whet they cheat their wife. "I'm just hungry" is the scuse of a life time. We hope that once we satisfide our primitive instincts everything is going to be alraight but that doesn't work. In fact, we are the hungriest generation in history.

"Yeah, it's just a generational pain, it goes away with time". She ustood up and walked to the kitchen for a glass of water. Now she couldn't think of anything else than concrete. She was living in concrete, sounround by concrete and will die and be buried in concrete. When life became so terrifing and dead so unpoetic?

Life has never been poetic but dead should. How else could we deal with it's presence? She heard once that some people try to send her ashes to the space. She didn't liked it, she thought that we shouldn't live in a place without dead in our sonroundings.

"Now I'm like this".The hot water in the tub took away the thoughts for a moment. "I shoul buy some milk". She dreamed a little and the water now was cold. Wrapped on a towel she wrote "milk" in the fridge board and for no reason she also wrote "alone".

"Not alone like with no friends" she thought "alone like thouse ashes on the space, traveling with no destiy forever", "alone like a generational pain of the living". She then went to sleep.