New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions


daily life

I think the last year (2020) was a hard year for all of us. But I still managed to work on my goals and focus on the languages I love to learn. And I hope that all of you had also the chance to accomplish your goals.

Now it is 2021, a New Year and that also means new chances! I have waited for this website to launch and I am very excited to start using it. I think it is absolutely great that I can write in multiple languages and read the writings of other people. And also get inspired by others.

This year I would like to write more in my target language: Japanese. I have made big improvements in Japanese last year, but I still am a beginner. So this year again...I want to work very hard and achieve a new level in Japanese.

Of course, I still want to improve my English and keep on making YT videos in English. And now I also have this platform to write more in English and practice my writing skills.

Furthermore, I have goals in Russian as well. Russian is my native language, but because I don't live in Russia and don't use the language as often as I want to... I start to forget words and I am also not that great at writing in Russian. Now I can practice this more and expand my Russian vocabulary.

I want to wish everyone an amazing New Year! And let's work together on our goals :)