Education – Third World problem

Education – Third World problem


daily life

Education is one of the most important factors in terms of country prosperity. If we look at the illiteracy rate map, it almost completely looks like the opposite of the development rate map. Countries with the highest illiteracy rates are in Central Africa like Chad or Nigeria and Western and Central Asia like Afghanistan and Pakistan. In these countries, infant mortality is extraordinarily high and access to sanitation is remarkably low.

There are many reasons why Third World countries have so severe problems, but I think, that the main one is the war and the terrorist attacks. Many of these countries have an ongoing war right now, for example, there is the War in Afghanistan which last since 2001, about fifty thousand people had died because of it and millions had lost their homes. Due to the lack of men, some terrorist organizations recruit children. Thankfully, this is not as common as the other reasons for illiteracy. In many African countries, that are especially poor, kids and teenagers have to go to a job to provide food for their families. Another reason is that in some of these countries, girls and women are not allowed to go to school or to attend courses. Many of these countries lack qualified teachers, for example in Chad there are over 60 pupils per one teacher in primary school.

Lack of educated people results in poverty and bad politicians. Because of corruption, they are not willing to change their countries for the better, and instead, they let big companies to abuse civilians. And the circle just keeps turning.

Luckily there is a way to help children from poor countries from our homes. Since Second World War many international organizations help children. The most known ones are UNESCO and UNICEF, but there are many more, for example, Education International, Save the Children, and The Global Partnership for Education. You can donate some money or if you want you can work for the organization to help the children more directly.

In conclusion, even though it’s 2021 there are still millions of people that don’t have access to education, because of war and poverty. We can help them by donating or working for international organizations. Below I left some links where you can contribute to helping children.