


daily life

When God told me to be a guardian angel I thought it would be more, you know, relaxing? I'm not saying that I believed it was easy, just that it would be less exhausting.

So, for all the angel's who are taking care of a teenager: this journal is for you.

Yesterday my human went to Barcelona... She had only 20€. I don't know if teens think money grow on trees, or that someone can give them to you all way around. You can never, NEVER, leave your little and innocent teenager with that little money going out to one of the most touristic places.

"Here, take some more money" said her father. She just refused it. Have you ever met a 18-year-old girl who refuses money? Well, I have to take care of her. She thought that it was better not to take the money and, I don't know, sing out loud on the metro station to pay her ticket?

Luckily I kind of obligated her to accepted it a few second latter.

It was all going well, but then she met with her friends. If just one teen is hard to control, a teen with her group is harder.

And in middle of the street, lost and arriving late to one friend's exam, the girl called Anastasia said the worse words an angel can hear: "why does God do this to us?". Those are the moment when you want to leave your job, take a sit with some popcorn and watch how humans do thinks by their own.

You know when someone tells something you don't like and you reply in silence, just in your mind? That's what I did:

-Look stupid young lady...- I was quite angry- you are not the one I have to take care of, but as your angel has quit, I have protected you. So shut up.

I haven't even take care of a single person who had thanked me for my work, not even one... and when you are such ignored the only thing you would like to do is run away, be alone, you and your thoughts, maybe visiting Hawaii... But when I looked at my little person's eyes, I realized I was made for this job. It may not be glamorous, it may be exhausting, but God knew who was telling to take care of his daughters and sons,

My human cold have died yesterday: if t wouldn't be because me, a car would had run over, a thief would had robed her, she would had missed the train, ending up without a place to stay at night. But there I was.

If you are a teen's angel, it's hard, but at the end of the day you know that without you life it would be almost impossible.