


daily life

Life is not a free for all but isn't either the hug of a constrictive boa.

Life is a big dark question filled and reveald but many tiny ones that even though they´ll never light compleatly the space of our existence, work as a hand candle that guide our steps.

Some questions ar harder than others, and the most difficult ones come in the worst moments: when we feel inferior, lost, devaluated. However, life in itself is an eternal practice so do questioning.

Today I asked myself: What do you want to wear?, How do you want to do your makeup? What do you want to prepare for breackfast?

Tiny ones, those who are simple and easy can prepare us for deeper and complex ones: What on earth do you want to do with your life? Who really loves you? Does pain can go away?

Questioning is also and act of sharing, sharing your doubts, worries or insides with others. There's nothing wrong in directing our personal questions to someone else when is needed. Just remembering that "absolute" is never a posible adjetive for an answer.