ANGEL'S JOURNAL: introduction

ANGEL'S JOURNAL: introduction


daily life

Hello to you, the one who is reading this right now. I have always wanted to write a book, or something special enough to be published. I'm 18 and I haven't achieved that dream yet. Here is the matter: I have lots of ideas but non of them is good or totally finished.

Yes, I'm a non finishing work person... And maybe this will be another non-ended project.

I want to write a book, plus, I want to practice my English, equals to: I will write a book in English.

It's going to be about an angel, yes, a guardian angel, my guardian angel: all what she (yes, it's a girl) has to do just to maintain me safe. I do not considerate myself a goo writer, neither a funny person, but I will try to do my best.

I really hope you enjoy my little inner world as a very annalistic person.