"How can I stay silent, how can I be still?"

"How can I stay silent, how can I be still?"


language learning

I've found out what I want to do here in Journaly!

I've decided to write here detailed accounts of the experiences I've had pertaining to linguistics. This is particularly because I was born in a country with two official languages, making me predisposed to be a polyglot from the get-go. My family is blessed enough to have come from a province with a language of its own which made me unknowingly trilingual. I say unknowingly because my household speaks these three languages (i.e. English, Filipino and Bicolano) without being differentiated from each other. My siblings and I just picked up a language through speech alone and I think that's cool. I'll expound on this in another post. It's enough to know that I got a taste of multilingualism and I apparently want more.

While I'll be posting on Twitter my daily study goals for checklist purposes, I'll be writing here in Journaly the behind-the-scenes account of my experiences. It's in my personality to speak concisely but think profoundly. Journaly seems like a good venting place for this purpose. I have an itch to write for myself and see where it takes me. I'm an emotionally forgetful person and it seems such a waste to merely forget all these thoughts and passion inside me.

I'm more of a reader than a writer but I'm willing to get out of my comfort zone for the documentation of my language learning journey. I strive for improvement so if my wording could be better or if I've used a word incorrectly, please let me know.

Till next time!