Don't be afraid to make decisions

Don't be afraid to make decisions


You can't always make things right, but don't be afraid to make mistakes.

God does not let his lovable one to fall off the track

First, I want to say nowadays I haven't got a religion, I truly believe in God and his son though, and I know, he's made me powerful, but I don't have the same sense of direction of his, if you believe in a different God, then it's them (singular: he\she) who give you the power to not fall off the track, if you believe in the Universe's power (I do too) it's him that don't let you give up, if you do not believe in any God, so, it's you who don't let yourself fall off the track :)

Knowing that, let's dive right into today's story, I've been struggling with my English studies, because I feel my studies have been too professional, instead of light, but I have been hitting the same button, why? I remembered one thing.

Being a professional is doing the things we love in the days we don't feel like doing them.

You can guess it, don't you? I was freaking afraid to make the change, because at the same time I wanted to change my method, this quote gathered with a series of others thoughts showed up together saying "what if this is just a hardship and you're falling off the track?" or "What if you're throwing away the thing you have been working on so long? "(I've worked a lot to get to this method) I'll admit, I was terrified, terrified too much to try the change.

But, yesterday I was talking to my friend (thank you Kenny :D) and I told him that, and he reminded me of the snake metaphor. when it's time, the snake starts realizing it needs to get rid of its actual skin who is becoming tight and adopt to a new so that it can continue to grow, I realized I wanted more than ever to know more English, and go deeper into it, but in a different path, my new skin is growing, what the heck was I doing at keeping my old one?

And I know, deep inside of me that we are all powerful beyond measure, it is our light and not our darkness that most frightens us, stop to think right now and reflect on at least the biggest things you have had to do in order to get where you are, to be who you are, to have what you've got, if that's truly your dream, you know that! right? and one thing I know, God is perfect in everything he does, A dream is for sure something given by him, do you even think that he would let you fall off the track at a degree to make your fire fade away if you are doing your best? so, if you love your dreams, if you live them, don't worry, he'll not let you drown.