Something to bring luck: yellowtail

Something to bring luck: yellowtail



Hello everyone, I'm Yoshiko from Tokyo, Japan. The temperature here was below 10 degrees Celsius and it was a clear winter day.

Here I will share my family's tradition for celebrating the New Year in Japan.

There are various events and ways to celebrate the New Year in Japan. As for foods for the New Year, you might have heard of "zoni"(rice cake soup) and/or "osechi ryori" (traditional foods). My family definitely eats them during the New Year holidays. In addition to that, we eat yellowtail as a New Year's custom because the fish is believed to bring luck, especially success in life.

Yellowtail is called "buri (ぶり)" in Japanese, however, it is known by different names as it grows larger. "Buri (ぶり)" is the name of an adult fish, which is more than 80 cm in length. Yellowtail has three or four other names as well. Such fish which have different names depending on their growth are called "syusse uo (出世魚)" in Japanese. "Syusse (出世)" means getting promoted in career and "uo (魚)" means fish.

In short, our family celebrates the New Year with yellowtail called "buri (ぶり)" in the hope that we will grow up to be like them. But I believe that this custom exists because yellowtail is in season in winter.

How do you celebrate the New Year?

Have a nice day!