How do your dreams look like?

How do your dreams look like?



Did you know your brain do not know the difference between the real and the imagined? Science has proven that if we do it with frequency, the well imagined visualization of ourselves accomplishing our dreams can be almost as strong as the real ones! what an interesting fact, doesn't it? so, I have got a question for you, how do your dreams look like?

I would like to make a quick test with you, could you take just 5-15 minutes of your day, right now, or after reading this post to visualize your dreams coming true? can you do that? great! but, how do you do that? well, every human being is different, I want you to visualize you living your dreams as you do that specific thing that gets you out of the "reality" for example, with me, If I take the time to listen to some of my favorite chillstep songs, I just fly in my thoughts and my dreams start becoming real pictures in my mind, so, as you visualize anything, try to do something that makes you feel exactly like that, maybe drawing, listening to some music, singing (if you don't have one, it's okay) and as you do it or not depending on whether you have this thing or not, start visualizing your dreams coming true with details, imagine your most beautiful dreams finally happening, but really put yourself there, in such a way you can say "I finally did it" make it as real as possible, visualize the time, the weather, the people around you, the place, how you're feeling, and after doing that, answer yourself, how do my dreams look like?

I've got a lot of dreams and goals, but I got one specific ultimate dream, to travel the world, but I do not want to do that just because of the beautiful views I'll witness, or just the delicious foods and touristic places, but the people, they make my dreams be colored, look at some of my dreams in my bucket list: Making part of different communities all over the world, kiss someone in another country, look through a window of a plane with my mom by my side, learn how to cook one special dish from every country I travel to, have as many meaningful conversations with foreigners as possible, feel I'm connecting to them, knowing their culture and concerns, and so on...

How does my dream look like?

It's a sunny and beautiful day in Bhutan, I'm walking on a bumpy and simple road with my future friends and locals, I feel extremely grateful as the fresh and cold air touches my skin, I look up and see the sky, the rolling green hills, there are birds flying all over the place, regardless of the simplicity in the place I'm just happy and light, we're laughing as the locals tell us their experiences in that country, I look forward to that same night, where we'll be hosted at one of the local's house to see their real life as close as possible, when the dusk falls down, my friends and I are drinking a classic local hot drink at a local's house while we wait for them to eat some food, excited to see the Buddha Dordema in the next day, which day it is? June 16th, 2025, my birthday.

That's just one of my visualizations, one of my biggest goal and dream: 'Travel to at least fifty countries' so, I do have a lot of visualizations, too much to write, lol.