Why Héctor Abad Faciolince is my favorite writer of all times.

Why Héctor Abad Faciolince is my favorite writer of all times.



One of my goals of 2020 was reading more books per month. I started to search for recommendations, read lists of the best classical books or books you have to read before you die, watched interviews about what books my mentors were reading. I can't remember where I found "El olvido que seremos", the first book that I read of Héctor. I just remember that one day three books arrived at home and between them was this book.

I don't want to give you many details of this amazing book, but in a general view this book is about the life of Hector Abad's father. His father was a doctor, social leader, teacher, writer and an amazing father and husband. I could learn a lot about what was happening in that time in Colombia, with political movements, drugs, violence, guerrillas, freedom, inequality and of course corruption. I cried in every chapter, but not only for sad moments, I found several jokes and funny things, deep thoughts and reflection about life, feelings, times we live in our life because we are humans. It's difficult to say why this book is amazing, put my opinion in short words is always very hard. Anyway in the middle of June I will go to the cinema to watch the movie of that book. The movie won one of the most important prize in this field.

On his website he posts articles every week. I have read almost every article and post there. In each of his posts I can learn about culture, books, literature, politics, politician, human rights, education, ideas to build a better world, democracy, history in general and the most important thing a refuge when I need to think more clear or I feel overwhelmed. Finally I hope one day you can read one of his books, I would recommend you "Lo que fue presente", his diary since he was around 27 years old, I just love it.