Esta mañana es muy bonito. Hace sol y calor. No hay una nube en el cielo. Loïc, mi esposo y yo sacamos a pasear al perro. Por supuesto, Patapouf hace una escena. Él encentra una rama en el borde de la calle. Se la coge con su boca. La rama parece mohosa. Ella es verde y rosa y apestosa. Le digo la soltar. No me escucha. Patapouf agarra la rama firmemente y no abre su boca. Intento la coger de su boca. No suelta la rama. Al fin, después de mucho esfuerzo, deja caer la rama. Sin embargo, él había comido un poco. Treinta minutos después, está vomitando. Patapouf es un perro loco.
Hi Cassie!! Happy new year!! Good luck with your learning the Spanish!! I understood the main idea about the post, I’m not sure if you wrote it in the moment or after, the post is written in present and the feedback could change depending if it is present or past. Two things that I hope help you are the gender of adjetives from the subject gender, for example, “mañana” is feminine then the adjective should finish in “a” therefore the words is “Bonita” —> “la mañana es muy bonita”. The other comment is about the word “encentra”, I think that you try to write “encontró” explaining about Patapouf found a branch.
Regards Gustavo
Hope the doggo is doing okay :) Keep it up, you are going in the right direction
Thank you for the advice, corrections, and encouragement! Happy New Year! I haven't made it to past tense yet, so I wrote it in the present for practice. Patapouf is doing much better. He's back to acting like the king of the apartment complex!