My Universe

My Universe



For me the Universe is something INFINITE, it is beyond. And in the course of my life this definition was getting new coating: celestial mechanics, relativity theory, philosophy, cosmology...

Fact is that to comprehend (or try to) this infinity was always exteriorized. The first time that to know the Universe was easier and tangible for me was when I read The Caibalion (Hermes Trimegisto axiom) that said: "What is above is like what is below, and what is below is like is above"

To this point my research become more inner, because with this axiom we also are UNIVERSE.

Studying and practicing Yoga and Ayurveda I started to pay attention with much more attention the mind. In a simply way we can say that the mind is a MIRROR that reflect everything inside us.

My reflection came from this: to know then what is the Universe that exist in our mind? More than that: it is possible to know the Universe how it is and not in the way that is reflected in our mind?


PS¹: this text come from my studies in Ayurveda Therapist from Escola Yoga Brahma Vidyalaya.

PS²: I first wrote this text in Portuguese and now I translated it what is more difficult for me. So, sorry about my English mistakes.