What does 2021 have in store for me?

What does 2021 have in store for me?


language learning
daily life

I, like everyone else, am also wondering what 2021 has in store for me. As for my daily and weekly routines, I think I can safely say that at least the first half of 2021 will look much the same as the last nine months of 2020. I have been fortunate to retain my job, and have been working form home. Many places are still closed and events cancelled, and the public health authority suggests that people limit their socializing outside of their family bubble, so my world will continue to feel very small as I live most of my life within the walls of my house.

But I have some ideas for things to keep me busy and growing. For some time, I have enjoyed baking, but over the past year I haven't done it much. I would like to get back into it, and it isn't hard to do make a basic recipe. I love a fresh, golden brown, crusty French loaf!

I have very recently begun knitting. I have just done a practice swatch or two so far, but I can already tell I have a long way to go yet. I got into it when my son asked my to knit him a scarf because he couldn't find one he liked at the store. Hopefully I will complete it before the weather warms up.

My brother and I are planing to start training next week to complete a standard distance triathlon (1.5km swimming, 40km biking, and 10km running). I completed a shorter race about eight years ago and nearly came in dead last, and I haven't been focused on fitness a lot since. I am looking forward to having a reason to focus on my fitness and a goal toward which to push myself.

As far as language-learning, I am looking forward to making tremendous strides in my Korean competency. I feel like I have enough grammar and vocab tucked away in my brain somewhere, so that all I need is that extra practice to consolidate the knowledge that will then allow me be able to speak and write comfortably at a basic level. I will plan to write short posts in Korean, so you, dear reader, can be the judge of my level and my progress.

That's it for now.