My English writing

My English writing


language learning

Hello everyone! I'm here today to tell you all a little bit how are things going here in Argentina and how is my English learning going as well.

This week the whole country has came back into the phase one. It has been slightly covered, because at the beginning of the pandemic, we all were in a total lockdown for two months or so. The shops really struggled with their economic situation, they may had to lay off their employees, and make do with the money they had to buy esential elements those hard, long weeks. Restaurants were able to work by delivery service, but it wasn't enough to pay the taxes, the salaries and earning their own money. So, now they have not definitely said that we are in that stage again, but they made us understand that there's exactly where we are, or at least where we should be.

In my city these restrictions are not really respected and people go and come as if never were happening. For example, my mum is a pharmacist and today she had to vaccinate some old people against the flu, and she and my dad had no trouble to go to a near town where this people live. Of course people are not doing a lot of "incorrect" things they used to do just becuase they are prohibited now and they do not have the opportunity to even try to do them, like going to the cinema or going shopping.

But not everything is that bad. For example, every week vaccines arrive here and, as I live in Argentina, this is a enormous luxus we have. A lot of countries in the world are not receiving any vaccine yet and, if you asked me a few months ago, I would have replied that Argentina would be among those countries.

We are mostly receiving vaccines from Russia and India, that are being critisiced in some places, but luckly we had no problems yet, and I hope it keeps going that way.

By the way, I am really enjoying Robin's new series about getting confidence when speaking in a foreign language, and that's the reason why I'm writing here, right now. I just love getting up early and seeing a notification telling me that Robin has uploaded a new video, it just inspires me for the rest of the day. I can actually speak English quite comfortable, you know, without translating things in my head and just getting them out, what some people would describe as "fluency", but I want to become even better. To express myself in a way native speakers can really get what I want them to get from what I say, and this is part of that process.

I hope you all liked my post, and I eagerly hope I'll be writing here again in just a blink of an eye. Thank you!