TED health podcast

TED health podcast



Hello everyone! I've been transcribing a podcast about biology and how do we unterstand them. I hope it likes you all, and I'd be enourmusly gald if you could correct me any mistaken word or fill the gaps I left indicated by (...?) or the words I was no sure about indicated by (word?). Let me a comment if you fell like, and I will post the following 9 minutes within this and next month. See you!

Here is the link to the Podcast on Spotify

TED health 2019: The next software revolution: programming biological cells | Sara-Jane Dunn

0:33 - The second half of the last century was completely defined by a technological revolution: The Software Revolution. The ability to program electrons on a material called "Silicon", made possible technology companies and industries that were at one point unimaginable to many of us, but which what now fundamentally changed the way the world works.

0:58 - The first half of this century though, is going to be transformed by a new software revolution: the living software revolution. And this will be powered by the ability to program biochemistry on a material core(?) biology. And doing so will enable us to harness the properties of biology to generate new kind of therapies, to repair damaged tissue, to reprogram faulty cells, or even build programmable operating systems out of biochemistry. If we can realise this, and we do need to realise it, its impact will be so enormous that it will make the first software revolution pale in comparison, and that's because living software will transform the entirety of medicine, agriculture and energy. And these are sectors that (...?) those dominated by IT.

1:50 - Imagine programable plants, that fix nitrogen more effectively, or resist emerging fungal pathogens. Or even programming crops to be (...?) rather than annual, so you can double your crop (...?) each year. That would transform agriculture and how will keep our growing and global population fed.

2: 11 - Or imagine programmable immunity. Designing and harnessing molecular devices that guide your immune system to detect, eradicate, or even prevent disease. This will transform medicine and how we keep our growing and aging population healthy.

2:27 - We already have many of the tools that will make living software revolution a reality. We can precisely edit genes with CRISPR, we can rewrite the genetic code one base at a time, we can even build functioning synthetic circuits out of DNA. But figuring out how and when to wheel these tools is still a process of trial and error.

2:47 - In these deep expertise, years of specialization. And experimental protocols are difficult to discover and all too often difficult to reproduce. And you know, we have a tendency in biology, to focus a lot on the parts(?) but we all know that something like flying wouldn't be understood by only studying feathers. So, programming biology not yet as simple as programming your computer and then, to make matters worse, living systems (machrly bare new reassembles?) to the engineer system you and I program every day.

3:20 - In contrast to engineer systems, living systems self-generate, they self-organize, they operate at molecular scale, and these molecular-level interactions lead generally to robust, macroscale output, but you know, they can even self-repair.

3:35 - Consider for example the (humble plant?), like that one, (... on your ... piece of home?) you keep forgetting to water. Every day, despite you (neglant?) that plant, has to wake up and figure out how to (aligate?) its resources. Will it grow? Photosynthesize? Produce seeds or flowers? and that's a decision that has to be made at a level of the whole organism. But the plant doesn't have a brain to figure all of that out. It has to make do with the (...?) on its leaves, they have to respond the environment and make the decisions that affect the whole plant. So, somehow there must be a program running inside these cells. A program that responses to input-signals and (...?) and shapes what that cell would do.

4:17 And then those programs must operate in a distributed way across individual cells, so that they can coordinate and that plant can grow and flourish. If we could understand these biological programs, if we could understand biological computation, it would transform our ability to understand how and why cells do what they do. Because if we understood these programs, we could dig up them when things go wrong, or we could learn from them how to design the kind of synthetic circuits that truly exploit the computational power of biochemistry.