Yes I Can.

Yes I Can.


language learning

Every Year,

I have made the promise to work harder, reach higher, and prove to myself that "Yes, I can".

"I can achieve whatever I put my mind to".

And I'm sure many of us have started out every new year feeling that urge to be better, and that fire to do more.

We start out with a blazing passion, always working, running, chasing after our goals. But very soon, we fizz out. Sometimes, life just gets crazy (read Covid-19) and, before you know it, the year is up and there's that familiar feeling of regret and that looming question of, "What if?".

  • "What if I had continued to work everyday?"
  • "What if even amidst the chaos of life, I tried harder to accomplish what I set out to do?"
  • "Where would I be today if I had just pushed myself a bit more?"

Personally, I'm quite tired of asking myself these questions year after year so I have decided to make a change in my method of approach towards my objectives. Firstly, I am a strong believer that anyone can do anything they put their mind to. The reason I believe this, is because I have seen it countless times in both others, and myself. From self-learning Music Production using complicated D.A.W. systems, to studying the intricacies of human anatomy, I do see my potential when it comes to passionate learning. I have gone from 0 to 100 in many things, not because of any skill or raw talent, but because I genuinely wanted to know more. That burning curiosity and constant need to grow has pushed me to reach towards the top of every mountain, and the only times I have "failed" was when I doubted that I could. Now, I would like to stress that "Yes, I can", and "Yes, you can" so do not become your own obstacle.

This Year,

I'm not going to regret the past because it is already done. I'm not going to worry about the future because it is impossible to predict. I will simply give my best, with no extra thoughts of doubt/failure or any kind of self-demotivation. I urge everyone reading this to do the same. All of that gets in the way of accomplishing things, and I have many things in need of accomplishing. One of my biggest sources of inspiration writing this is none other than Robin MacPherson, the creator of this amazing Journaly platform. Watching his struggles, hard work, and never-ceasing positivity really had me questioning myself. His videos were eye-opening, to say the least, as I realized how much more I am capable of doing, and how all I need to do is just get up and do it. Thank you Robin for motivating me to believe in myself, and for creating such a beneficial tool for us language enthusiasts!

Language Goals:

I am a native speaker of English, so this will be my first and last post in full English because I am here to learn other languages. Specifically, Spanish (Español) and Korean (한극어). I would say I'm an intermediate Spanish learner, and a complete beginner of Korean, but I am looking forward to learning both with equal vigor. Here are some of my long-term goals for each language:


  • Improve native-speaking comprehension abilities.
  • Achieve first level of fluency in speaking.
  • Become comfortable with all grammatical tenses.
  • Write/speak less "bookishly" and more native-like.
  • Learn more about the Spanish Culture.
  • Differences between Mexican and Spain Spanish.


  • Learn how to form sentences (word order).
  • Understand Informal/Formal situations more.
  • Learn common idioms/expressions.
  • Learn more about the Korean Culture.
  • Read characters with more ease.

Although this was not a post directly meant for receiving feedback, I would love to hear if anyone has had similar thoughts, or has similar goals this year, and if I could possibly be doing more. Thank you for reading (I know it was a tad lengthy)!