A stupid boy's first fiction(it is stupid too)(1)

A stupid boy's first fiction(it is stupid too)(1)



He stuck in this f**king place for a week.he woke up in a drity, old room. It was made of rock and wood and with out door. He didn't know where he was here and How did he get here. when he was trying to shout for help , he heard some sound . It souded like 20 broken alarms go off together . It wasn't good for a man who didn't know where was he.He was afraid so he showted more louder but it was unuseful. Then he found something on the wall. It looked like a door handle. " the thing can't be worse", he thoghted (that was wrong and stupid). So he tried to touch the door handle. Then the door handle, the wall and the floor fell away under his feet. Ofcourse, he feel in to the dark to.(TO BE CONTINUE)