Do you hate to feel pity, too?

Do you hate to feel pity, too?


daily life

Do you hate to feel pity, too?

When I was a child I watched a TV show called “Carrossel” (“Carousel” in English) and in this TV show had a character that said this phrase one time: “Pity is the worst feeling to feel”.

I don’t remember what my reaction was when I heard it, but now I can understand what she wanted to say.

I don’t have so many things or people that I hate, but when I feel pity about someone or an animal like a dog I really hate it. I really hate to feel pity.

I think that I am an empathetic person, so for me “pity” doesn’t have a similarity with to be or not to be an empathetic person.

Then what I want to say is I hate to feel pity, that’s it. haha

Do you hate to feel this feeling, too? I’m curious to know what is your opinion or thoughts about it.

Thank you for reading!

- R