An old fairy tale in china

An old fairy tale in china



Long long a go , there was a boy called Sima Guang. One day,he was playing tag with his friends in the garden. There was a big tank in the garden, and it was full of watter. A little boy thought he can stand on the tank than no one can get he. He was very excited and he started to climb. When the game was over and nobody found him he was very happy so he jumped off the tank. But then, he fell in to the tank. Everyone was scared and shocked! Some children ran to the parents for help, but parents were farming in a place that was far from the garden! Sima Guang was very worry about his firend, but he thought he couldn’t do anything. Suddenly, he came up with a very nice idea. He break the tank with a rock and the water was came out from the tank. When the water was running out, thier parents came in to the garden. They all said Sima Guang is a very clever boy.