Does sleep waste valuable time?

Does sleep waste valuable time?


daily life

On the one hand, I agree that sleep wastes valuable time. If we didn't need to sleep, we could be more effective. We would have more possibilities to upgrade our daily life. It would be very useful for 24/7 services.

On the other hand, our dreams can be useful as well. For example, some great scientific discoveries were made in a dream. It seems sleep expands our mind.

Young people always agree that sleep wastes valuable time, so the first half of our life we constantly fight against sleep (when we have to prepare for exams, when we have little children and other cases). However, the last half of our life we fight against the insomnia. Very often it's because of our irregular sleeping before. That's why we have to find a golden middle, because our mental health is the most valuable thing in the world.

PS. To be honest I can hardly imagine lifestyle without sleeping.

For sure, our sleeping patterns changed over the years. A million years ago, we need to escape from night predators, so we had to be at the shelter and we had a lot of time for sleeping. Also we had to get enough sleep to survive, because our life depended on our physical abilities. Nowadays a lot of people are sleep deprived, because of work, stresses and wasting night ours in the internet.

As I have mentioned before in my previous articleessay, I think we need to find a golden middle between the oversleeping and the insomnia. Sleep wastes valuable time, but at the same time it makes us stronger.

If I don't get enough sleep, my head always becomes heavy and I cannot make fast decisions. If it's possible, I always try to take a nap. Fortunately, I have been working distantly last year, so it's not a problem to find a half an hour between my business meetings.

What about my tips to get a good sleep, firstly I recommend physical outdoor activities. Secondly, I would recommend not wasting your night time in the internet before the sleep. Finally, I would like to say that alcohol drinks are bad helpers for sleeping. Maybe you will fall asleep, but your brain won't get enough rest.