A little bit about me.. or maybe a LOT about me...

A little bit about me.. or maybe a LOT about me...


So here we go.

For this article/whatever I'm not even trying to write for people. Well I am but more like I'm sharing with the world what my life has been for the past 14 months.

Characters/People/Whatever (No this is not a play or anything like that)

Me (Bella)

Jayden (Best friend for many years)

Jade (Jayden's sister and another best friend)

Camden (Bully)

Londyn (Best friend for many years)

Milo (Good friend for years)

Judah (Good friend)

Louis (Judah's brother)

Ava (Jade's best friend)

Sofia (Best friend)

Benjamin (Friend)

Ms. Christina (Counselor)

Ms. Jadore (Counselor)

Mr. Lucas (Counselor)

Ms. Jen (Counselor)

Ms. Rachel (Judah and Louis's mom/counselor)

Ms. Jaquah (Counselor/Camden's mom)

(Not everyone in here will be mentioned most likely)

All of this happens at a YMCA kids program

So back in March when they had lockdown, my life was almost perfect. All my best friends in the same place, good counselors, and even good school. And then coronavirus happens. And everything is shattered. March through most of May I was at home, which back then didn't bother me but now.. I look back at it and I was pretty much miserable. The last week of May I started going to the YMCA again. (Little bit of backstory but I went to the YMCA before, like before lockdown)I was so excited! I started going there and it wasn't bad.. Until later in the summer. Londyn's dad had died and it was the anniversary for it one week, and so she was in a sad mood/bad mood, and of course, that put me in a bad mood. We apparently started acting very moody and rude. At least according to Ms. Jaquah. I was punished for months. I got in big trouble, and I don't know, it could of triggered something in me because I suddenly hated my life, and I pretty much hated everything. Then, one day Ms. Christina came back. She was there in that program I was in before lockdown. She was really nice and basically let us do anything we wanted with boundaries and rules. Of course while being safe but yea. Then school starts. Ms. Jaquah starts being really rude and strict and kind of scary. She would always come up to my mom and say that there was something wrong with me and that I was always zoning out and not listening to her (which I was) and my mom would keep lecturing me and lecturing me until I had enough. I haven't been diagnosed or anything but I think Ms. Jaquah could of started some type of anxiety with me but basically I hate listening to someone yell at me or anyone or I go back to all of those times that she went and yelled at me for something stupid. Anyways, Ms. Jaquah quits working there, leaving her very rude son in the program. He would always disrespect the counselors and bully the other kids and basically be the worse kid, but he never did something bad enough to get kicked out but he would do those tiny things repeatedly. He bullied me and Londyn and Jayden about our bodies, and it got to the point Londyn just went into this I don't know, way, where she was always insecure about herself and never looked at herself as if she was beautiful (which she is really pretty) and Jayden has been bullied so much that he doesn't exactly care anymore. I've done some things about it but it never really gets him in trouble just maybe lose a couple minutes of free time or swim time, which he didn't care if you would take any of those things. Fast forward a few months later, we get to almost the middle of April this year. We would swim every Monday and Thursday, but the chlorine in the pool was damaging my hair so my mom made me wear a swim cap. Well, Camden walked by me and said "Ew" when I first wore it and since then I haven't worn it nor will I if I am around him. My last day there (April 30th) my mom was talking to someone about it in the lobby, when a counselor over-heard the conversation and confronted me about it, and I told them all that he had done, and they said they could possibly remove him from the program. That was my last day, and so I don't know if he was removed or not, but either way I hope I never see him again. Which I probably will. :( There is something that I said to Ms. Christina though my last few days and it was that I wished so much that I could be home and now I could, but she said that it will have it's up's and down's and she was REALLY right. My mom, she has to work, so she isn't really there, I'm punished right now so I have no contact with ANYONE but her, and right now I am using a school laptop to write this. I'm lonely. Something I never thought I would say. When I was at the YMCA, I always had someone to talk to because I was the nice type and anyone would talk to me because I knew about the things they liked, so they could have a good conversation with me. Now I can only socialize with my mom, when she's home and awake, which is maybe 4 hours a day during the week, and online school. It's sad. So now I don't know. I'm lonely, and I have nothing to do really. Any suggestions? :)

Sorry for the long read, by the way. And sorry for all the drama/whatever. But it feels good to type this all out and then post it so other's can see. Also please don't be mad with me. I would gladly read anyone's rage, so if you want me to I can, just write it in the comments. So yea. This has been your little bit of sight into my life. Enjoy! Adios amigos!