Random story generator story #3

Random story generator story #3


Kate Chan had always loved magical Cardiff with its alert, anxious arches. It was a place where she felt cross.

She was an incredible, giving, brandy drinker with curvaceous eyes and sloppy fingers. Her friends saw her as an alert, anxious academic. Once, she had even brought a spitezabbling injured bird back from the brink of death. That's the sort of woman he was.

Kate walked over to the window and reflected on her dirty surroundings. The drizzle rained like shouting pigeons.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Mavis Gump. Mavis was a predatory saint with red eyes and grubby fingers.

Kate gulped. She was not prepared for Mavis.

As Kate stepped outside and Mavis came closer, she could see the scandalous glint in her eye.

Mavis gazed with the affection of 1857 hopeful large lizards. She said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want justice."

Kate looked back, even more afraid and still fingering the ripped torch. "Mavis, let's get married," she replied.

They looked at each other with anxious feelings, like two spitezabbling, strange snakes bopping at a very loving dinner party, which had jazz music playing in the background and two brave uncles hopping to the beat.

Kate regarded Mavis's red eyes and grubby fingers. "I feel the same way!" revealed Kate with a delighted grin.

Mavis looked angry, her emotions blushing like a kindly, klutzy knife.

Then Mavis came inside for a nice glass of brandy.