Colors 0.4

Colors 0.4


That was it. I canceled all of my plans for the day. I just could not handle all of the memories. Luckily, there is such a thing as driving. Driving seems to calm me. But there was something else I wanted to do. Dog shelter. All of the cute puppies and dogs were just.. amazing, at least to be around. They didn't know/care what you had been through. They just wanted to be adopted and loved. I never think that I'm in a good position to get a puppy or a dog, for a lot of reasons, but today was different. I felt ready. Except I wasn't. I didn't have any supplies, or food, or a bed, or pretty much anything. "It's fine," I thought, "I'm sure they have some stuff I can buy at the shelter."

As I pulled up, I sighed happily. I almost skipped inside. I opened the door, and boom, there was that amazing feeling I get when I go there. But then it stopped. I bumped into this guy and gasped.

"I'm so sorry!" we both said at once.

"Sorry." The guy said again, "I didn't see you there."

"I didn't see you there either." I replied.

And then we just kind of stood there awkwardly.

"The name's August, by the way." The guy who had had no name said.

"Funny, my name is June!"

"Oh nice! Well I work here, so if you need me you'll find me around."

"Okay." I replied as August walked away. And then, I headed toward the kennels.