What my posts will be about, and why I will be using English to write them when I am learning Spanish.

What my posts will be about, and why I will be using English to write them when I am learning Spanish.


So, right now you are reading this little reading, and you may be wondering, "What will this profile be about?" or "What will this reading be about?" or "Great, another one of these for me to correct and to look through for no reason." (Which honestly if you feel that way I suggest getting off of here and doing something else.)

Anyways, first things first: let me explain what my posts will be about.

They will mainly be stories. Occasionally you will find something else, but I mainly like to write stories.

Second; Why am I using English when I'm learning Spanish?

Well, I don't know enough Spanish to be able to write an entire paragraph, so until I can I will be writing in English.

Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!