



“OH MY GOD'' Have you ever heard about this expression? When I hear it I wonder “Who is this God he (or she) is talking about?” It would be quite funny to ask that person if they believe in God, and finding out he doesn't.

And I’m going to ask you, Do you believe in God? I know it is a very common question, but I’m not going to talk about a specific god. No. I’m talking about an almighty creature who has control of the whole universe in his hands. It may be a good god, a bad god, a girl, a boy or a hermaphrodite. Just, think one moment, and ask yourself: Do I believe in God?

I think the most part of the class will think “no, because I believe in science”, and I answer: maybe God has created science. So, forget about science for a moment, don’t think that God and science are the opposite, maybe they are the same thing, and your God is actually all those physics formulas. Often people say they don’t believe in god because they don’t know what God means. According to the Oxford Dictionary, God is the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority.

As I'm not going to talk about morality here, let's just focus on the first part: the creator and ruler of the universe. Let's talk about the Beginning.

It is believed that the world was created by a huge explosion: the Big Bang. It was caused because a super condensed point of matter, so dense, that some point had exploded.

Here, those who believe in God would ask a very interesting question: where did that mass come from? It couldn't be eternal. Well, that’s not true. This has a very easy answer: the law of conservation of mass, as mass cannot be destroyed but transformed.

In that case we could say “God could be that indestructible energy that gave enough mass to the matter in order to create the world”. Yes, it may be or it may be not.

So there we are: the huge mass of matter has exploded, but that’s not the world that we now know, right? How can the chaos transform into a perfect and equilibrated universe?

Although we can’t prove the existence of God by stating that He is the creator, we can actually say that the planet’s orbit accuracy, size, etc. makes no sense without a ruler.

That ends up to the second law of thermodynamics, and as the Chaos theory says: in this universe model, there is no singularity, big crunch or big rip. The universe evolves depending on the competition between components.

But if this is true, why has this wonderful creator, who has ordered every single star in the sky, remained himself unknown?

Have you ever met Van Gogh? No? Me neither. That doesn't mean that he never existed. We can look at his paintings and, thanks to them, tell that there was a fantastic artist who chose those colours, those forms to create not only an image but art.

In this way, we may not be seeing Van Gogh in person, but we can experiment through the sense of sight of who he was in an area of his life. Why wouldn't God do the same?

On one hand, we can tell it all has been the result of chance: there are amazing experiments that try to prove this fact. But not going really far, there are two things we can’t ignore: first, it may be really good experiments, but we will never repeat the same conditions as they were in the Beginning, so all we can achieve is a mere approximation of what truly happened. In the second place, we can’t either forget the Irreducible complexity. The what? Let Wikipedia explain: is the argument that certain biological systems cannot have evolved by successive small modifications to pre-existing functional systems through natural selection, because no less complex system would function.

So, at this moment we have a universe, a chaotic universe, with stuff that can’t be formed if they aren’t completed and… Where is the most important part? Life.

Returning to my loved friend the Experimentation, there have been investigations about how life could have been produced in this chaotic system of planets and stars and cosmic masses. Scientists have finally agreed that there is a 10^(- 255) chance out of 1042 times that life can occur.

That’s a tiny number, but it is, it is possible. Maybe we are lucky. We are really lucky, why not? It can be a possibility.

So, we have life, we have a chaotic system, but this system works, and let’s imagine all it is done: the amoeba has grown and evolution has done its job over millions of years.

Let me ask the last question: where is the personality born? I will reformulate. Where does creativity come from? It’s true that birds sing, but they repeat their melody a time after another, they don’t innovate; elephants can paint, but all the drawings I have seen are trees or flowers: they recreate what they see, just as they see it. But this need of creating something really pretty for the hearing, the sight or even taste… Where does this non-survival need come from? And not only that but how humans can portray their personality to their art, signed it, with their name or with their style.

There are so many other arguments for and against this subject, and in all human history we haven't arrived at a final conclusion, so I can't as well.

I just want to ask you again: Do you believe in God?

If you want to know, I’m not really sure.