I should dust off my ukulélé!

I should dust off my ukulélé!



About two years ago, my brother bought me a ukulélé. Since that moment, it is in a corner in my bedroom covered with dust! Indeed, I never used it aside a couple of time where I got it between my hands for barely few minutes just to check it and remind myself what it looked like 😅. When you hear that, you might think that my brother took the initiative on his own to got me this instrument, and that I didn't agree! In reality, he did so because I was speaking all day long about my wish of mastering this amazing instrument! That definitely proves that I'm the problem and also that I have such a kind and super attentive brother.

So how I came across Ukulélé? Well, everything started when I was in University. Back then, I used to hangout with a handful of friends who were musicians. They were super talented and I saw that playing guitar or piano or whatever instruments had enhaced their atractivity and increased their popularity so much. It’s a no brainer that at that specific age, having such a skill can undoubtly help in term of social life and interactions. That's why I wanted to try my best to learn how to play a music instrument.

It’s important to know that at that time, I had zero knowledge about how to read a solfege, what was a note and all the fancy stuff around music, and I wasn't willing to dig on it. According to that, guitar and piano seemed to be too complicated for a persone with my level! After some reaserchs, I stumbled across ukulélé which then apeared to be not a big deal and more or less achieveble for me (it is probably because of its smaller size and the fewer strings it has got).

Moreover, I saw few amazing cover on youtube, where people were performing amazing song with this instrument. The best one ever was from two teenegers who played the acoustic version of ”hotel California”, and tye second one from a man who was singing ”somewhere over the rainbow while scrathing on his cool tiny guitar! From that very moment my final choice was done! I would go with ukulélé and nothing else!

That’s a glimpse on how I actually came up with this "project". You already know the rest of the story... I got the instrument from my brother then I never really used it unfortunately! I must have lost the momentum at some point! If I think about it, I may have never had it at all. Anyway, today I’m super excited and motivated to finally take it seriously. Indeed, I took a first and crutial step: I downloaded a tuner on my smart phone 😅. I sought also some good tutorial for beginners like me. All I need to do now is to be consistent. I hope that within few weeks, I would write an essay about how I played ukulélé on the street and how the crowd got completely crazy 🙏.