Summary of the introduction of The return of sherlock Holmes

Summary of the introduction of The return of sherlock Holmes



In this first chapter, the book introduces about who Sherlock Holmes is and his loyal friend Watson.

The first character is Holmes who is a very famous and clever detective. He is able to notice little things that other people don't see. For example, he can give a description of a person before seeing them (I am not sure what pronoun or gender I should use to refer to one person), just looking at their pair of glasses.

His best friend is called Watson and according to a large group of movies Watson is not a very clever person but he is a brave man that can help Holmes when he has problems, especially if they are dangerous.

The writer of these wonderful stories is Sir Arthur Conan. He was a doctor of medicine but over time he stopped being a doctor when he found a more interesting activity, writing. He realized he loved writing when he started writing while he was waiting for his patients. Unfortunately, everyone knew more Holmes than his writer. The people even thought that Holmes was real and sent letters to him. At last Conan finished by killing Holmes, but this decision was taken badly by his readers and the publisher which had printed all his stories.

He also was famous for other activities. He helped soldiers and sailors with better equipment, tried to change bad laws and also helped people who were wrongly punished for crimes .

Nowadays there is only a building in the place where the writer lived with bussiness offices but inside there is a room dedicated to Holmes and the people are going to visit it.


I think it's a good idea to summarize with my own words every chapter of this book, which I decided to start reading today. Thanks in advance to all you for correcting me.