Introducing Myself

Introducing Myself


daily life

Hi folks,

I'm José, from Brazil. I came across Robin's videos on YouTube and am always watching them. He is such a kind guy, isn't he?

Although interested in linguistics, I wasn't so focused on developing my skills regarding other languages. But I had the opportunity to take English classes, and since I already have the habit of reading and listening to podcasts in English, I think I've made some progress. I enjoy writing but was not writing in English because, well, it isn't my first language.

I've also started to study German. But since I'm a total beginner, I will need some time before writing some German texts here.

My interests vary, but I enjoy learning about philosophy, psychology, and personal improvement in general.

I had worked as a yoga instructor, but I currently have a conventional job. I'm also vegan. As an introvert, I don't have so many friends in real life, but I'm excited about making new connections here.

Have a good week, everyone!

(Photo: Unsplash)