Turtles all the way down!

Turtles all the way down!



Turtles all the way down is the first English novel that I've read. Reading it made me feel so happy even though I didn't really liked the story that much. Maybe it's because finishing a novel is really fascinating, especially that it was the very first novel that I've read which is not in my native language.

I've finished reading it last March 27, 2019. If you are wondering why I remember the date, I actually don't🤣. What I do remember is that, due to the excitement that I've felt after finishing the book, I made a note on my phone containing this exact sentence. "First book I've ever finished reading lol hahaha! Turtles all the way down!"

During the time I was reading it, I wasn't into Language Learning yet, so the only reason why I wanted to read was for entertainment purpose only. That's why after reading Turtles all the way down, I tried reading some other English books but this time, it was self-help books, namely; The Alchemist, The Monk who sold his Ferrari, Meditations and others. This is actually the reason why I can't forget about Turtles all the way down, because I feel like, if I haven't read it, I wouldn't have tried reading other English books and I wouldn't have found my favorite book which is 'Meditations' by Marcus Aurelius❤

- Ayland