Books by Japanese Authors

Books by Japanese Authors



Hello there!

I have finished reading one of Sayaka Murata masterpiece last two months. It was 'A Convenient Store Woman'. Actually, I am not good enough in giving any book review. For me, the book has nice storyline and I am happy because I am able to grasp what is the story about since I am reading it in my second language which is English. I am trying to read books written by a well known Japanese author which is Haruki Murakami but unfortunately I don't know which book to start with. I once watch the movie adaptation from Murakami but failed to understand the storyline which is 'Norwegian Woods yet I did not finish watching it. I also read non fiction by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga titled The Courage to be Disliked in English version. Have you read any Japanese authors' books? Who is your favourite Japanese author? Do you have one?