Watch 3% if you wanna rebound

Watch 3% if you wanna rebound


tv shows
tv series

Hi, Oliver! What have you been up to?

I’ve been wondering about your latter question during this week, but now I’ve got the perfect option for you! So, if you’re still heartbroken and wanna overcome your break-up, scratching your itches is a must!

Thinking of hard working won’t help you. You got to call it a day and chill out! And then, discover a new way to settle down!

What if you start to binge watch some of the off-the-chain series on Netflix?

Getting down to business, I do recommend 3%! It’s my favourite Netflix’s TV show! It’s placed in somewhere where the country is divided in two different places: Inland and Offshore. If you live in Inland, you live among starvation, misery, violence and negligence. In other words, you’re exploited up to your death! But if you live in Offshore, you can have everything you want: food, clothes, technology, etc.

Every single year, people from Offshore carry The Process out. A sort of competition that grades stuffs deemed superior. The three-percents who won the game have the right, or the “merit” to live in Offshore.

This swarmed-of-contradictions society hides a lot of secrets in its history, especially over its founders. But there was a group of people who really couldn’t put up with all this. Therefore, they founded The Cause, a revolutionary team dead set on tearing down the system that stands all this injustice.

On Netflix, you can take up with some of the participants of The Process, including some moles from The Cause, and have a real good time as you explore this amazing plot created by Brazilian people!